Multiple Means...

... of Representation! of Expression! of Engagement! My favorite part of these aspects of the UDL framework is the endless ways that relevant information can be used for student learning.  Relevancy is undoubtedly the root from which great ideas can grow when using these aspects to create lesson plans.  How do…

UDL is our Friend During Remote Learning

by Andy Bell I look at the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) graphic organizer and one word stands out to me, engagement. It's in the top box of the first column, "provide multiple means of engagement". Some days it seems like that topic comes up in…

Websites are the future

As worked to become a teacher, I have learned about so many different websites that students can now use to help them understand the math that makes them struggle.  Desmos is one such website, and I hope to use if for the Dilation part of the lesson.  I will admit…

Challenge #7-UDL (creativity)

1. What do I need to think about for my capstone ? Supporting students within my capstone looks different every day, as we have some students who love working in groups, and others who always ask to work independently. There is value in both modes of working, so maybe I could…

Challenge 7

What do I need to think about connected to supporting my current students? I am currently thinking a lot about how to facilitate at-home lab projects for the high schoolers this coming quarter. I feel as though we are over-using PHET in the pandemic; it's a great resource,…

UDL in my Capstone Project

My goal in designing a final assessment for students was to provide opportunities for multiple means of expression. Students were able to express their learning through kinesthetics (#1), speaking (photo 2), writing (photo 3), and drawing (photo 4). #1:…

UDL For Now, UDL In The Future

Making projects or using PBL seems to be a good way to give students, individually or as a group, multiple ways to engage the content. Not only can this develop skills pertinent for outside of the classroom (planning, building, perseverance, and collaboration) but it also allows the students to use…

Metacogntion, Self-Regulation & Differentation

In many of our courses, we have discussed the importance of targeted and practical feedback as a vital component of meaningful learning for our students. Recently in our Inquiry Science Pedagogy and Practice course, we read “Formative assessment and the design of instruction systems” (Sadler, 1989). The article discusses how…