Capstone Assessment

For my capstone assessment, I decided to give my students an exit ticket that helped wrap up a lab assignment we did during my capstone lessons. The exit ticket was designed to test their knowledge of the purpose of the lab assignment and to identify whether they are able to…

Modifying Feedback

Whenever I think of feedback I always assume that the feedback I am receiving or giving needs to be something that aids in the other individual's growth in some way. I think that is what feedback is all about is for the growth of an individual but what…

Capstone Objectives

For my capstone lessons I will be introducing the new unit on evolution. The lessons will be the first lessons of the unit and focus on orienting students while allowing them to start thinking with the mindset of this new unit. The objective I would like to focus on for…

Building Units

One thing I really struggled with while building my unit plan is identifying the learning objectives and how each one helps students satisfy or meet the standard. I think some advise for future students going through unit planning would be to approach it using the backwards design. Focus on what…


I can manipulate allele frequency in order to identify the distribution of traits in a population. My students often have a hard time with cross cutting concepts and I think this learning objective gives them the freedom to approach this difficult concept from multiple perspectives. I chose the word manipulate…

My WHY for teaching

Ever since I was little I loved figuring out how things worked. I had a natural thirst for figuring out the WHY and HOW of things, especially my toys. I want to bring out that natural thirst for knowledge in every single one of my students. I wanted to become…


I really connected with Chris Emden's video and his idea of reality pedagogy. I particularly liked his idea of co-teaching and the role reversal it suggests. This idea would really allow students to deeply engage with content and give them a different perspective. This also aligns with the…

Is it break time yet?

Lately I have been very stressed. I think it is a combination of class, work, trying to be physically active (playing volleyball) and preparing for my internship that has made me so tired and burnt out. When I experience these signs of burn out I typically like to either play…

Tasks in STEM

I think it can be difficult to determine whether a task is worthwhile or not. In my mind, having students preform a task will teach them something regardless of if it is the intended idea you wanted to teach. Does this mean the task isn't worthwhile? I believe…

But why?

One question I found myself asking students when I was working in an elementary school was, how did you get that answer? I often worked on math with several students one on one and I would ask this all the time to check how well the student was able to…