
What do I do to recharge, you ask?

I like to read, watch TV/anime, and enjoy great food.

I used to be really into yoga, so I still occasionally enjoy taking classes or doing meditation exercises.

Hiking or taking walks with friends.

Snowboarding in the winter, rafting in the summer.

Since the pandemic, finding ways to recharge your energy is more important than ever. Now that I began taking classes online, I have come to cherish the breaks that professors give in the middle of class. I always rush upstairs to get a snack or a drink, and if my mom is around, I will quickly tell her about my classes so far. Even just getting the chance to turn off the camera on zoom calls can be refreshing because it makes you feel like your time belongs to you again.

If I began teaching online, I would try to utilize breaks in my zoom classes. If I was teaching in person, then I would try to utilize different activities or discussions, so that each class would not feel like one long, boring time period that never ends.

As a teacher, I also hope to be really involved with different extracurricular activities in my school. I think that this could be a really unique opportunity to have students recharge and learn about different outlets/ fun activities but still within an educational context. For myself, high school is where I first began learning about anime and learning to snowboard, so I know that these opportunities can be formative and lasting.