Challenge 2

Students should get creative with the content. Giving them opportunity to view the content in different ways, engage with it in their own way, and experience it fully will allow them to conceptualize it in their own creative way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Students engage with the content in their own wayVisual representations…

Challenge #3

Cognitive Demands: I feel like for the math plan that the cognitive demands don't go very deep. They don't say enough or ask enough. It feels all very one leveled to me, whereas I feel like it needs to be more equitable for all of the…

Challenge 3

There are lots of what and how questions in the unit learning goals, but I think what is lacking is more cognitively demanding questions. I would have more open-ended questions and questions contradictory to the standard thinking about earthquakes so that students are challenged to think differently about earthquakes. For…

Challenge 2

Learning and understanding happens in many ways but the power of connecting to prior knowledge is powerful. Building on a previous foundation of background knowledge allows for extending it with smaller blocks of new knowledge made more relevant and understandable. When I teach I am always trying activate prior knowledge…

Photo Essay - Challenge #2

Variety of Difficulties in Problems#1: My CT has come up with a system where she puts up a slide with a variety of problems that range in difficulty. I chose this image from Valorant of the variety of ranks. This system allows users to be successful and encourages them…

What does it mean to you connected to being a STEM teacher

JAMILA LYISCOTT Rather than make assumptions about your students’ attitudes toward their own language practices, create critical, safe, and brave space to unpack what they already feel and know. If your racial, linguistic, or cultural identities differ from those of your students, be sure to regard this in how you…

STEM Teacher - Challenge 1

I was going to choose the Bells Hooks quote, but I instead decided on this one. I am working in a school with a very diverse population of students and educators this semester. On the day of Freshman orientation my CT and I were inside the auditorium listening to the…

Written Reflection - Bianca

Quote: Adyemi Stembridge A brilliant teacher is never made effective through the use of any single strategy; rather, the brilliant teacher makes strategies effective in the context of broader goals and intentions. What does it mean to you connected to being a STEM teacher? To me this quote embraces the…

Challenge 1: What it means to be a STEM teacher.

What does it mean to you connected to being a STEM teacher? JAMILA LYISCOTT As an educator, you probably have some pretty strong convictions about what constitutes excellence in your classroom. However, we do not often take the time to interrogate where our measures of excellence and standards are birthed.…

What's in a good lesson?

When I think about the type of math class environment I want to foster, I can't help but think about the absolute necessity for students to relate with mathematical content on a deeper level than a simply algorithmic one. Valuable math lessons challenge the brain and interest it,…