
Wondering about questions... In college one of my site teachers started off class once a week with a question of, "any current events, accomplishments, wonderings, concerns?" At the first couple of weeks, I wondered why she would ask her students that during the beginning of the hour. It…


Thinking about questions... In one of my current education classes, the teacher begins each class by asking: "Any shout outs, achievements, or current events?" I particularly like this approach to questioning because it gets students to open up, getting to know each other and the teacher. If nobody…

What makes a STEM Task worthwhile?

So...what is a task? You've heard me talk about tasks, you will be analyzing them, creating them, teaching them. What even is a task? So Stein et al. says that "A STEM task has been defined as a single problem or a set of problems that…

Experiences into Math

I have always liked the idea of finding ways to turn Math classes into an opportunity to discuss important issues that interest the students. How do we do this in every lesson? I am not sure, I don't even know if it is possible. But I do know…

Where It Starts

I always thought about being a teacher, but it was never the first on my list of careers. I didn't think I was fit to be a teacher... or at least the idea of what I thought a teacher was supposed to be. I have always been a…

The Background

I have always had an interest in Mathematics as well as Chemistry/Physics, during high school these subjects became easier to understand, and wanted to continue to be pushed. Where English and History I did not have an interest in and where I struggled but still was taking college-level classes…

Scientist or Teacher?

It wasn't until I read the readings for today that I realized there was a difference between my personal identity as a scientist vs my identity as a science teacher. I never really made a distinction between the two, I think because I never really viewed myself as…

Doing math for fun??

When I think about what it takes to be a passionate math student, and what it takes to be a teacher who creates passionate math students, it's very easy for me to gain some clarity by reflecting on my own experiences growing to appreciate mathematics. It wasn'…

Identity/ Exploration

Personally, I liked my biology classes in high school, but I didn't love them. What I loved was the teacher. She always had fun activities, and I really collected with that as a way to help me connect the topics to the real world, even if I did…

What does it mean to be a STEM teacher?

...the ability to teach the world to a child. Being a STEM teacher means creating and sprouting a child's curiosity in the world around them; pushing their limits and expanding their minds through complex and convoluted subjects. To be a science teacher, success doesn't stop with…