Importance of Feedback

Feedback is an important tool for teachers to use. If students do not have feedback, they do not know how to improve their learning. Immediate feedback is huge so that they can use it to influence their learning. Otherwise, they are likely to continue making the same mistakes. As a…

CC in my own work

Introduction: In recent years, Creative Commons (CC) licenses have gained traction as a means of sharing and disseminating educational resources freely and openly. As such, it is important to explore the potential impact of CC licenses in the context of teacher education. I want to examine the values and practices…

Unit Plan Wrap-up

Takeaways Building a Unit: To connect your standards with the big ideas you have for your unit. I found it a lot easier to look at the high school standards to find what I wanted to look for and what you want your students to come up with. Connections: Language…

Backward Design

People have a variety of feelings about science. Usually, they fall on a spectrum of thinking it is objective and factual to it cannot be trusted. Regardless of where on this spectrum people fall, they generally talk about how science affects people. The truth is that people affect science, especially…

Building a "Dream" Genetics Unit

“Students will understand and describe how technology impacts science and society.” One question that comes up frequently in my class (understandably at the moment, considering we are learning about outer space) is: “Why do I have to learn about this?”. One of the key components of this bioethics/genetics unit…

Backward Thinking

Looking at my students and the main goal for this is, How can we use game design and statistics to explore real-world phenomena such as human behavior, social interactions, and environmental challenges? I say that if we know how someone will interact with us, how will we interact with them?…

Confusion About Backwards

I’m pretty confused about how or what to write about what I privilege for this reflection. I am trying to make important connections and be thinking about our unit planning, in connection with my Context for Learning document and all the aspects of the Unit Plan Template. I suppose…

Growing the Little Scientists with STEM

I believe we are all born little scientists. It is through experimentation and observation that we learn everything we do. As a STEM teacher, I am responsible for growing the scientist within each student. I can do that by creating a safe space for learning and showing students the importance…

STEM Teacher (mostly Teacher)

To me, what it means to be a STEM teacher has changed since I started teaching. I used to think that being a STEM teacher meant valuing the scientific process, providing opportunities for creativity in unlikely places, and raising the next generation of problem solvers (to name a few). I…

What does it mean to teach with STE(A)M

I think that one of the most essential elements of being a STEM teacher is to go beyond Science Technology Engineering Math alone, and embrace Arts as a vital component of what can be called STEAM instead. Science without benefit of the arts - both the liberal arts and the…