Challenge 4

People probably hear tens of claims being made everyday whether in commercials or in conversations. It is important for them to be able to critically analyze the claims so as to not fall prey to misleading and potentially harmful claims. Part of this analysis is to understand the logic, supported…

Challenge 4

I think I may have already talked about this particular lesson, in this class, but I want to choose it again for this challenge; a few weeks ago I did a "Periodic Table Battleship" activity with the students, where I hid my ships on the PToE and gave…


In the age of social media and alternative facts, claim-evidence reasoning is becoming more infrequent and increasingly important in our daily lives. People have a platform to post claims with no evidence and unsupported reasoning. As teachers, it is a critical challenge that we engage students in CER so that…

Challenge #4-CER

1. CER, or claim-evidence reasoning should be connected to our world right now. The ability for people to make a claim supported by evidence and reasoning is so important in students forming their own opinion and being able to articulate why they did. There is so much information out in…

Coming Full CERcle

I believe CER's or CLAIM, EVIDENCE, and REASONING tasks are fundamental in navigating life in general and are things that humans do on a day to day basis. I feel that this action within the classroom is essential when done correctly since it can allow students the ability…

CER: Is it Relevant Outside of School?

CER is an acronym for claim, evidence, and reasoning; a basic writing format taught to students in schools. It's one of several acronyms used for teaching students to construct a written argument or answer. Students start with CER and then add additional components such as a counterargument (CERC)…


I gave the students this warm up to refresh them on Pythagorean theorem and special 90 degree triangles. We learned about the 45-45-90 and 30-60-90 and how to solve them last week. We wanted the students to look ate these triangles and analyze them and figure out what they need…

Benefits of CER Writing Strategy

The writing strategy Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER), aligns with at least one education goal – creating informed citizens. Beyond school, students require the skills and knowledge to develop informed views on various issues (e.g., economic policy, global warming, globalization, etc.). Workplace success often includes effective communication, critical thinking, planning, and creativity. Engaging…

Math Unit Overview: Cognitive and Language Demands

by Andy Bell Does this student look the way you feel teaching the last period of the day? Cognitive Rigor: The portion of the unit overview that deals with cognitive rigor is the Unit Learning Goals section. In the math example there are seven numbered goals written as personal statements…