
For the last two weeks, I've been on a rollercoaster of emotions and stress. And it's kind of ironic that this week's prompt is about relaxing because I feel like I need to remind myself how to. Stress happens to everyone, at any time;…


How do we recharge or let ourselves be who we are? I find this interesting as we do not ask ourselves that question as often as needed. We find ourselves needing to take a break from life or in some instances just needing to take a breath. For me, I…


I think that this "Pandemic life" has really changed things up for all of us. For better or for worse, things aren't the same as they used to be. Some of the 'not-so-good' aspects of this are remote learning and having to spend most…

Being Mindful

As teachers we can spread ourselves pretty thin trying to balance our school responsibilities, managing our own lives, and worrying about our students. There is a lot to always be thinking about and we need to maintain our own physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing if we hope to see learners…

Inhale, exhale

Self-care is extremely important. But defining what self-care is and what it means can be different from person to person. I'm an extremely anxious person. I have been my whole life. I like to fill my schedule, spread myself thin and please as many people as possible. This…

Practicing Gratitude

One way we can practice self care is to remember the things in life for which we're grateful. Gratitude can be obligatory or it can be given freely as a way of thanking others. We usually show gratitude as a way to return a good feeling that we&…