Why the Voice?

As teachers, we give our students feedback through the work they do in the classroom and when talking to them about their behaviors. Think back to when we were growing up; we would hear different types of feedback from our parents, grandparents, adults, friends, family, and siblings. Everyone had a…

Unit Plan Wrap-up

Takeaways Building a Unit: To connect your standards with the big ideas you have for your unit. I found it a lot easier to look at the high school standards to find what I wanted to look for and what you want your students to come up with. Connections: Language…

Backward Thinking

Looking at my students and the main goal for this is, How can we use game design and statistics to explore real-world phenomena such as human behavior, social interactions, and environmental challenges? I say that if we know how someone will interact with us, how will we interact with them?…

STEM Teacher in the Making

Looking at myself becoming a person in STEM in the mirror, I think of making that little girl's dreams come true by helping others in something I enjoy and learning more about. When I think about my students, I have the idea that even though math might not…

(Re) Humanizing

When we think about the universal design of learning (UDL) it takes on many forms. In the lessons and activities that we construct in the classroom, we want to make sure that we are hitting the three main focuses of UDL. These are from engagement, representation, and action & expression.…


How do we recharge or let ourselves be who we are? I find this interesting as we do not ask ourselves that question as often as needed. We find ourselves needing to take a break from life or in some instances just needing to take a breath. For me, I…


Some things I think that make a task worthwhile: * Tasks are interactive * Making task-positive outcomes * Use of communication/discussion for different concepts/goals * Develop critical thinking Tasks in Mathematics: Looking back at the different task being used in the classroom it brings me back to tasks that are very common…


Wondering about questions... In college one of my site teachers started off class once a week with a question of, "any current events, accomplishments, wonderings, concerns?" At the first couple of weeks, I wondered why she would ask her students that during the beginning of the hour. It…

The Background

I have always had an interest in Mathematics as well as Chemistry/Physics, during high school these subjects became easier to understand, and wanted to continue to be pushed. Where English and History I did not have an interest in and where I struggled but still was taking college-level classes…

What does it mean to be a STEM Teacher

What it means to be a STEM Teacher to me is giving students an opportunity to see what STEM is all about and have an understanding of what it is. The definition we are being told is, "Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is a broad term used to group…